Community Services
How can we support you?
We are committed to islanders’ lifelong growth and self-improvement in an environment of respect, kindness, and compassion. We offer a range of evidence-based programs within the following areas:
Food Programs
We believe that nutritious food is the cornerstone of health and well-being. Click on the link below to see how we are working to create a food safety-net for Lopez Island community.
We look at health from a holistic perspective and seek to provide an array of traditional supports as well as social emotional opportunities for mental and emotional health.
We help members of our community gain access to the basic necessities: nutritious food, secure housing, reliable transportation, and assistance with basic utility expenses so that everyone has a foundation on which to build and thrive.
Early Childhood Learning
Early childhood learning is important. It paves the way and stimulates a positive development toward life-long learning. Click below to see our early childhood learning programs.
Youth Engagement
Mentorship comes in many forms, whether it is pairing your child with a trusted adult or enrolling them in one of the group mentorship or leadership programs, we have something for everyone.
Youth Learning
We know how important it is for children to have access to a variety of educational opportunities. Check out the youth learning programs available.
Specialty Summer Camps
Many of our traditional workshops have been combined with our FREE Out of School Time Program, however, we continue to offer some specialty summer camps at accessible prices.
Need Support in Another Way?
Our offices are open Monday – Thursday from 9:30am -4:00pm
To schedule an appointment on a Friday, Please, give us a call at (360)468-4117
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