This is 21st Century Learning
We look forward to another amazing year of after school programming.
FREE youth learning for Lopez Island kids. All. Year. Long.
Choice is a huge part of the after-school program, from what games and activities the youth want to do but also how to do them. The program is built on the belief that engaging youth in the creation of the program is the key to youth engagement.
Our Program
The After School and Summer Camp Programs, now referred to as the Out of School Time Program, is funded by the 21st Century Community Learning Center grant, making it free for Lopez families to have access to year-round learning and enrichment activities.
Showing up matters!
Regular attendance in the program is required. Campers who attend regularly build routines, learn to support each other -cultivating lasting friendships- and grow in their ability to communicate. They show higher engagement, receive access to more resources, and have an overall more positive experience.
Latest News from the Out of School Program
Beyond the Bell
Beyond the Bell: Why After-School Programs Matter After School programs...
Read MoreComing Soon!
Coming Soon! We are offering a STEM Club – with...
Read MoreRegistration for Our After School Program is OPEN!
The LIFRC is excited to kick off another year of...
Read MoreYouth Soccer is Happening!
This year the Lopez Island Family Resource Center is teaming...
Read MoreWant to participate in another way?
- Do you have a special skill to bring to the program? Join us as a guest instructor.
- We are still looking for a regular instructor and substitute instructors to join the team.
- Interested in driving the kids home after the program? We are still in need of licensed bus drivers.
- Fund snacks. The grant supports all staff hours and supplies- but we cannot purchase snacks with the grant. If you’d like to donate funds or healthy foods to support snack time, we would be very appreciative.
- Help us volunteer to organize and manage family events.
Evaluation Report
To create safe, supportive, engaging, and interactive learning environments we continuously assess program quality using the SEL-PQA (Social Emotional Learning Program Quality Assessment) tool developed by the Weikart Center. As a 21st CCLC program, we are observed by an external evaluator who works with staff to create an improvement plan each year.
To see the full evaluation report, click on the button below.
Evaluation Report
To create safe, supportive, engaging, and interactive learning environments we continuously assess program quality using the SEL-PQA (Social Emotional Learning Program Quality Assessment) tool developed by the Weikart Center. As a 21st CCLC program, we are observed by an external evaluator who works with staff to create an improvement plan each year.
To see the full evaluation report, click on the button below.