Character Strong: Supporting the Mental Health of Lopez Island Youth

We’re thrilled to shine a spotlight on CharacterStrong, a program that is making a noticeable impact on the lives of Lopez Island students.

CharacterStrong is a comprehensive, evidence-based model which follows the Office of the Superintendent for Public Instruction (OSPI) Social-Emotional Learn (SEL) standards. Using mindfully developed, adaptable curriculum, CharacterStrong has been shown to have significant positive outcomes shaping the holistic development of students.

By creating a routine within a structured environment, each session includes a welcome activity, a reflective quote, and an engaging exercise that gets the youth moving and thinking about life and their overall well-being from a perspective of what is important to them.

Valentina Rendon, Lopez Island Family Resource Center’s Youth Leadership & Prevention Programs Coordinator led and facilitated the CharacterStrong implementation for the 6th and 8th grade classes at Lopez Island School for the 2023-24 school year and partnered with LISD’s Robb Ellis, Brian Goff and Trisha Elliot-Napier.

Emphasizing experiential learning through activities that engage students physically and mentally, students practice values and skills in real-life scenarios. Students give feedback and participate in the development of the curriculum, ensuring that lessons are both meaningful and resonant.

The 8th grade class, for example, spent a great deal of the 10 sessions we held this year digging deeply into snap judgments, whereas the 6th grade class focused on understanding, identifying and sharing individual and communal values, asking questions like, “What is important to me?”

One of the highlights of the year,” said Rendon, “was overhearing one of the students ask their best friend, ‘Have I ever asked you what’s important to you? I don’t think I have! What is important to you?’” This simple, yet profound question, can do so much!”

“In just a few sessions, I noticed significant shifts in the students,” continued Rendon, “At first, some saw the classes as a chore, but over time, conversations started to extend beyond the class period. They were genuinely interested and engaged.”

It’s so much more than simple conversations.

Research shows that students involved in social-emotional learning programs like CharacterStrong exhibit improved mental health, better academic performance, and higher levels of engagement well into adult life. Rather than addressing conflict or issues reactively, these practices have been shown to cultivate habits of proactive communication, preparing students to handle situations before they escalate.

CharacterStrong is amplified through our partnership with the Lopez Island School District and through the collaborative efforts of educators, families and the youth themselves. Together, we ensure a comprehensive foundation for all Lopez students, preparing them for a future where they can navigate life’s challenges with resilience and empathy. As we witness the positive shifts in our students, we are reminded of the profound impact that mindful, evidence-based education can have on creating a brighter, more connected community.

During the 2024-2025 school year, LIFRC will shift to community-based CharacterStrong as this parallels our youth leadership and peer-to-peer model programs. LIFRC is currently recruiting teens to be trained and carry on the successful work that Valentina has been doing. Teens in grades 9-12 that are interested in being paid facilitators can contact Satya at:

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