Biweekly Updates

Presenting Prime Time Bilingual Reading Program!

Develop a lifelong love of reading in your family through Prime Time Family Reading! Prime Time programs are FREE, and feature engaging family-based reading and discussion strategies proven to increase creativity, critical thinking, and academic success. Dinner provided each night, and siblings are welcome! Hosted with bilingual Spanish-English staff and held at the Family Resource

Presenting Prime Time Bilingual Reading Program! Read More »

Prevention Coalition, Youth Advisory Council, and The Dream Team!

Teens today have to navigate a very complicated world. Evidence-based research demonstrates that the best approach to help youth deal with their day-to-day realities is to provide programs that engage, educate, and empower co-design and co-leadership. Youth are more likely to reach their full potential when they are invited to build supports that they believe

Prevention Coalition, Youth Advisory Council, and The Dream Team! Read More »

San Juan Interisland Youth Leadership and Prevention

Happening this Saturday, November 18th!! Join us in this interisland event for youth (MS/HS) regarding leadership skills, and prevention information. Lunch will be provided by @eltacoboutit!! Youth who attend will also receive a gift card for one of our local coffeeshops as well as immediate sign off on 5 community service hours at the end

San Juan Interisland Youth Leadership and Prevention Read More »

Sailing the Spike Africa Schooner: Youth Mentoring expedition

Mentors Support Academic Engagement in Time of Despair In the first half of 2021, an extraordinary group of mentor tutors and paraprofessionals provided Lopez students individual tutoring and supportive academic engagement. Our goal was to reduce learning disparities during remote schooling. Thanks to a grant provided by the Washington Office of Superintendent Public Instruction (OSPI)

Sailing the Spike Africa Schooner: Youth Mentoring expedition Read More »

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