2024 Summer Camp for Tots

Imaginarium: Sailing Adventure!

Kids, get ready to set sail…in your imaginations that is!

We will embark on a Cruise-Your-Own-Adventure style exploration daily. Should we travel to Orcas Island today, or Shaw Island? Should we take a hike or “go swimming” at Cascade Lake? Join your friends to meet new characters along your travels, and engage in singing, games and crafting with them!

*There is a $15 surcharge for all non-Lopez residents.

Painting & Percussion

This Tot Summer Camp will invoke your child’s artistic side! They will begin the day by joining Ellen Peterson in using a watercolor technique called “wet-on-wet”. The children will use quality materials to create process art that first uses one primary color, then adds in another primary color. They discover a mesmerizing experience of resulting secondary colors!

Campers will then collaborate with Rocky & Jeff from “The Lark and the Loon” to craft their own unique percussion instruments and devices from salvaged treasures and repurposed materials. As they play, they’ll tap into their inner groove, learning the rhythms and traditions of different types of folk music. Get ready to rock out with repurposed goods and raw creativity!

Funding in part from Amerigroup, and an Artist Grant for Jeff Rolfzen & Rocky Steen-Rolfzen by the San Juan County Arts Council.

*There is a $15 surcharge for all non-Lopez residents.

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